I sat talking with Asman, an ethnic Bajau Palauk on his wooden fishing boat as sea cucumbers dried on the upper deck and we spoke about his seafaring life. “We love to be on the ocean. The ocean is our land. We feel very happy and content and it is all we know. My two...
A journey on the Rungan River, Central Kalimantan allows you to explore primate country, experience traditional village life on the river and have contact with the local Dayak culture in a pristine jungle environment, with no other tourists around. Gaye and Lorna, the...
Mount Bromo Sometimes you just have to get up at 3.30am to view a spectacular sight and hope for that wow factor. Most of the places worth seeing in this world always require a bit more of an effort and Mt Bromo is no exception. It might be hard to believe that Java...
East Java Extremes There are some pretty extreme locations to visit in Indonesia and up near the top of the list is a hotspot that may leave you breathless and hot. Ijen crater lake sits high on a plateau 2,386 metres above sea level and its steaming hot –...
Living in Jakarta is one big adventure, moment by moment. It’s a busy city teeming with people, bicycles, motorbikes, chickens, buses, noisy bajajs (three wheeled passenger vehicle pedicabs), cars squeezing between lanes and street cart vendors pushing their...
Central Java – A Hidden Gem of Central Java As I awoke in the early morning, the volcanic peaks of Central Java started to reveal themselves. A backdrop of eight volcanoes surrounded by swirly mist slowly came into view and started to take form, accompanied by the...
Are you interested in getting a closer look at a steaming active volcanic crater? Are you into adventure travel? Have you ever heard of Banyuwangi? If you are keen to get way off the beaten track then Banyuwangi, a little tucked away spot in East Java, a region that...
1. EATS Eating at Lara Djonggrang (http://www.tuguhotels.com/laradjonggrang) is like taking a step back in time. Take a walk through the ancient beauty of Indonesia and treat yourself to a unique dining experience. The restaurant is in a majestic old house and you can...
The capital of Indonesia and its surrounds are full of surprises for the visitor. Jakarta – a city full of life and colour, with the outlying regions offering just as much diversity. At ground level you will see people hanging out of bus windows, street musicians...
As the crew heaved and tied off in practiced unison, the seven sails billowed and flapped as ropes snapped into place. The sails filled and caught the breeze. The sleek wooden schooner came into its own; we were sailing. We cut through the white waves (Ombak Putih)...
Stephanie Brookes glides through the streets of Malang, on foot and by becak, to discover its urban colonial charm and rural countryside. I stood outside the Tugu Hotel in Malang, pondering which becak (cycle rickshaw) driver I was going to use for the day. All of...
Every May, on the night of the full moon, thousands of Buddhists gather at Borobudur Temple for Waisak Day. This holy festival celebrates Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinibbana (ultimate freedom). It is affectionately known as Buddha’s birthday. The...
Pontianak in West Kalimantan is the starting point for a trip to the Karimata Islands. The bustling harbour is alive with activity and home to a myriad of traditional boats. After stepping down from the pier, I had to scramble across a number of unseasworthy looking...
Saving Lives and Rainforest An Interview with Kinari Webb, MD of ASRI Medical Clinic, West Kalimantan How does a remote medical clinic, in West Kalimantan, come up with ideas like “payment in kind”, a non-cash exchange for medicine and life-saving treatments? What is...
Life & Death in Toraja Believed to have descended from the stars, the Torajans of Sulawesi are a unique people who practise elaborate funeral rituals for their deceased. Words: Stephanie Brookes Located in the middle of the Indonesian archipelago, between...
Romance for many unfolds around nature, the whispers of the inner and the outer world, framed by a setting that allows you to climb to the top of stairs and shout “yes”. Whether you are planning to get married, wish to fall in love for the weekend or have loved with...
The Sasak and Bugis coastal settlements, some dating back as far as 4,000 years, hug the Lombok coastline and many traditional small fishing villages can be found in between mountain regions and fertile alluvial plains. The local people of Lombok, known as “Sasak”,...
As mina (aunty) Herta sat on the wooden floor of her humble weathered eighty-year-old home, she flexed her big toe and masterfully plaited three strands of rattan. This would soon become a handle for the rice basket she was making. Between the strands of a woven...
The Hornbill Festival of Northeastern India celebrates the 16 major tribes of Nagaland, bringing to life the ancient tales of the Naga people through song, dance and storytelling. Elaborate headdresses adorned with Hornbill feathers are worn when performing ceremonial...
A SEA GYPSY VILLAGE, AN URBAN LEGEND, AND UNTOUCHED PARADISE… Selayar Island is truly a secret find. This quiet and unspoiled island at the southern tip of Sulawesi is a combination of genuinely warm hospitality and pristine beaches lined with coconut trees,...